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Nazism’s roots lay in the tradition of Prussian militarism and discipline and German Romanticism, which celebrated a mythic past and proclaimed the rights of the exceptional individual over all rules and laws.
Nazism’s ideology was shaped by Hitler’s beliefs in German racial superiority and the dangers of communism. It rejected liberalism, democracy, the rule of law, and human rights, stressing instead the subordination of the individual to the state and the necessity of strict obedience to leaders. It emphasized the inequality of individuals and “races” and the right of the strong to rule the weak.
Politically, Nazism favoured rearmament, reunification of the German areas of Europe, expansion into non-German areas, and the purging of “undesirables,” especially the Jewish people”.
Britanica Encyclopedia
It may look funny when seen from a distance, but combine it with Elon Musk strange postures, add Panama, Canada, and Groenland, and replace Jewish people with refugees. You end up with a picture that looks very close to the original.
Hopefully, the major difference is that contrary to what he communicates, the US is not in a bad economic state. This was not the case in Germany after the stock exchange crash of the 30th. Should we wait for the next stock exchange crash for him to get further support?
I suggest to start the hashtag #we-refugees. We are all refugees. Most Americans are refugees, his family comes from Germany, his wife’s family from Slovenia, and part of my family emigrated to the US as there were no jobs in Switzerland in the 19th century. By the way, did you know that Switzerland exported part of its criminals to the US in the 19th century?
The future is in our hands. We should act before it is too late. Similar movements are consolidating all over Europe.